Saturday, August 7, 2010

What Are You Good At?

Everyone has something they are good at. For Mr. Hanky - it's picking tomato's. Sure, sure, I realize for a hunting dog this is an unusual skill set. The odd part is he prefers stealth hunting for those tomato bad boys. Plus, if they are heirloom tomato's - even better. One rarely ever sees him at work, but like a tornado the path of destruction is obvious.

As an "employee" he is a really hard worker. You could say he puts his nose to the grindstone and really gets into it. One has to love his enthusiasm. But, actually, the tomato vines don't tolerate his approach. While he has a soft mouth, his head and paws are not so gentle.

Not that I have actually seen him in action. But I've seen the remains, and I've seen the chlorophyll on his muzzle and forehead. Perhaps he was a gardener in another life, or maybe he travelled the world and hacked his way through remote jungles.

This talent of his explains why our vegetable garden is a gated/fenced community. But it is what grows through the fence that tempts Hank. Maybe he needs his own garden patch. Maybe I've been out in the sun to long. Could be it's his gift to me. Long after he is gone we will reminisce about Hank and the heirloom tomato's.

And really, he looks kinda cute in chlorophyll.

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