Monday, August 9, 2010

Reaching Out

Sometimes opportunities present themselves that just say "go for it!" Sometimes those opportunities are full of fun, hectic and exciting. Sometimes they involve reaching out to help someone else. Sometimes they involve hard work and sweat.

I am almost always game for those things, and am blessed that Reno is too. Luckily we have friends who think like we do. Case in point, we had the privilege of helping a friend of a friend get moved over the weekend. Health issues made it impossible for her to finish her move. That's where my friend came in who basically said, would you? could you? How can you turn down a friend like that? Of course her prediction of a 2-3 hour job was a slight underestimation. That just gives us a little ammo to hold over her head.

Sure, it had to be one of the hottest days of the year with the heat index at 110. But that was a small issue all things considered. We got in and went to work packing, stacking, hauling and delivering. Our discomfort was not relevant to the job at hand. Yes, we were 8 of the sweatiest people in town. It did prevent us from hugging when we parted. We love each other, but not that much!

I like to think it was as humbling for us to do as for the recipient to recieve. I'm certain God nodded his head in pleasure at our efforts, as did we. Reaching out is like that. Hands joined, help given, and hope delivered. Not a bad days work.....


Faye said...

And the world needs more like you. Bless you for putting others first, over your own comfort. Although a pool filled with ice....

Janicekg said...

Good for you, I'm sure the person you helped really apreicated it.