Thursday, February 5, 2009

Certain Irony

There is a certain irony to the economy. My Mom used to ask if something was called funny....if it was "sad" funny, or "haha" funny. In the case of the economy, definitely "sad" funny.

We got a fund raiser in the mail the other day that included a nickel glued to their plea for money. May I digress one moment and say, the little glue goobers they use these days are incredible. I so, so wish I had invented them. But back to the plea for money. We laughed that they enclosed money in their request for more money. Granted it was only a nickel. But the point was even little nickels make a difference. We laughed even harder when we saw on a sticky note, attached to their paper work, instructions to please send that nickel back. Sounds like something the government would do, except perhaps not ask so nicely about it. So, in that moment we thought, what the heck, we can spare a couple dollars to go with the nickel they want back.

So, we stuff a couple bucks in the envelope. The irony is, that envelope is still sitting on the desk, sans stamp. Part of me is afraid to part with those couple bucks. Sad, funny, huh?

Part of me knows I should drop a stamp on it and send it into the world of good karma and faith. The other part of me is searching for ways to cut expenses, make sound financial choices, and hold tightly to every dollar and nickel I have. In spite of my fears, or because of my fears, I need to act on this. I believe I will act "as if". As if "all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well".

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