Sunday, February 15, 2009

Taking Dominance to a New Level

I have seen dogs be dominant before, and have never found it as laughable as with Miss Maddie. Let me give you a visual. She is a small English Springer Spaniel. The only female in our pack of dogs. She lives day in and day out with Sidney our 2 yr old foster dog, Mick a 6 yr old pointer, and Kobe, who last we checked was about 102 yrs old. Basically, she's not much interested in them. Oh sure, she'd take them to school in a heartbeat, but hump them - not a freakin chance.

There is only one dog she loves to dominate, and that's Decoy, my son's 80 lb black lab. Maddie has it in for Decoy in a really bad way. If she could stalk him she would. If she could text him, she would, if she could walk him home from school, she would.

The level of interest is not equal. He pays her no mind. Like the big man on campus and the mousy wall flower. She dotes on him, and he doesn't notice at all.

My kids came over tonight to play some board games. It was a game fest for both adults, and the five dogs in the house. Maddie tried humping him several times and was told to cool it. Decoy laid down on the ground and was minding his own business. We looked over at one point, and Her Highness was at it again. She climbed on his back, her head facing his tail, humping for all she was worth. Omg - talk about hilarious. Talk about embarrassing. Talk about stupid dog tricks.

Decoy was nothing but the epitome of Labrador decorum. And Maddie, the little hussy, well, she just couldn't help herself. Good grief!! I guess, a woman's gotta do what a woman's gotta do. And Maddie did just that.

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