Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Little Help From My Friends

I could use a little help from my friends - how about you?

I was folding laundry in the bedroom. Big pile 'o laundry in the basket. Mickey and Sidney sleeping on the bed as I fold. Hmmmmm. Wouldn't it be swell if they would fold the clothes and let me nap on the bed.

I know it's not a logical thought. After all, they don't wear the clothes, why should they fold them. By the same taken, I don't poop in the yard, why should I pick it up? But I do! I really think they log more sleeping hours in my bed than I do.

I think if they put their heads together they could manage this. If they can drag toys/bones all around the house, they could at least make a pile of clothes. Plus, they like socks. Seems like all kind of possibilities here.

Maybe I need shirts, socks and undies with dog pictures, doggy toys and bone motifs on them as a motivator. Maddie's pile would have images of Decoy on them. Sid, Mick and Kobe's would have Holly the Pointer on them. It's all good.

Then the saying wouldn't be "when pigs fly", it would be "when dogs fold clothes". Oh ya, it could happen.

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