Friday, February 20, 2009

Fostering 101 Failure ?? I Don't Think So.....

We were discussing what we referred to (past tense) as Foster Failures. That being when a foster home falls in love with and adopts their foster. Anyone who fosters is at "risk" for this. But let's reconfigure this theory.

A - adopting a foster is not a failure, it's fate, its success, it's all good

B - it's not really a risk, as much as it's a situation with great odds for something wonderful to happen

C - it's a bonus and a blessing to boot

I think there are two kinds of Fostering Success stories. The first being when a foster finds a forever home and is moved to it. The second, when the foster home crosses over to the forever home. Both are totally cool and exactly what rescue groups want!

I myself switched hats from foster Mom to forever Mom with my Prince Kobe. He had 3 solid adoptions pending fall through. Three homes I felt worthy of loving him just like I do. After the third one fell through it occurred to me - maybe this was home. All the home he'd ever need.

So for those who cross over from foster home to forever home I salute you. And I celebrate with you. As Kobe wanders in, and rubs his head up against my arm, I know without a doubt the only failure would have been to not open my heart to him in the first place.

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