Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sidney @ Playgroup - week 2

It was a breakthrough moment for Sidney. Ever since we picked him up at the airport, last August, he has been afraid to get into the car. That first day he was lifted in and out of the plane, in and out of the car, and into the house. Since then he has had to be lifted into the car, although he will get out on his own.

Tonight was his second visit to play group. Could be this is the first time he has had something fun to associate going in the car with. I've offered him treats in the car when we've gone places, but he won't take them. Tonight I opened the back door and to my surprise he jumped right in. It was a WHOHOO moment, but then, perhaps you heard me.

Of course coming home he wouldn't jump in, but breakthrough moments sometimes come in little bitty baby steps. He made a huge leap of progress tonight. And he was awesome at play group too. Naturally every male there tried to hump him (the 110 lb black lab tried repeatedly), but he wasn't distressed by this. He played best with the 9 month old english pointer and the german shorthair pointer. But did well with the other pooches there too.

You just have to love how far Sidney has come. In the house, in the yard, in play group, in the truck. Way to go Sidney.

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