Monday, December 21, 2009

Hank The Hambone

Mr. Hanky is one of the sweetest guys on earth.  As well as one of the biggest dufus boys in the world.  He has come a long way since we picked him up last April and brought him into the fold.

Knocking on wood that we have not had significant changes in his cancer, but loving each day with him for what it is.  Usually it's a hoot.  When we rearranged the furniture to make way for the tree Hank rearranged how he mogates the living room too.  Gotta love his willingness to adapt.  Of course, adapting has included scrambling over the top of the coffee table once and hurdling over the back of the sofa like it was indoor agility equipment.  Then there are the moments when wagging pointer tails whank the ornaments on the tree and mass clanking can be heard.  Luckily, or because hindsight is 20/20, we only hang the unbreakables near the bottom of the tree.

Last night he was like the angelic child sleeping blissfully on the sofa.  Head on the pillow, blanket keeping him warm and snug.  Blissful in his repose, all shades of handsome peacefulness.  Why is it one can rarely photograph those moments?  Holding a camera in front of a sleeping dog is like hot gluing a milk bone to your forehead - certain to get noticed!

I tried to capture the Kodak moment, but what I got was more in keeping with Hank's true personality.  Perhaps that is for the best.  I think I prefer the reality of Hank the Hambone more than a fleeting moment of rest.  Even goofballs need to rest up for their escapades.

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