Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Nine Days and Counting

On the  last of Christmas my two dogs gave to pointer pointing, two retrievers fetching, three lap dogs lounging, four doxies yapping, five beagles baying, six sheepdogs herding, seven shelties sitting, eight german shepards guarding, nine poodles pouncing, ten terriers terrorizing, eleven pugs a wheezing and a pomeranian on a pillow. 

Okay, so it's not the last day of Christmas, but it's getting too close.  Frankly, I I'd like to go back to mid-September and proclaim a redo.  I'm not ready for Christmas, and I'm definitely not ready for the year to end.  I have some things bought and mostly nothing wrapped.  As far as decorations.....we have the tree up and I used the Christmas leash when we did pet therapy yesterday.  How's that for being organized?

I've envious of people with holiday cards with pictures of their pets on them.  I like that idea, and maybe some day I'll be organized enough to do that. I did see a card that said "we deck our halls with bones and balls".  Ain't that the truth!   I do have ornaments on the tree for each of the dogs, including foster dogs too. They hang at the bottom of the tree in case an errant tail takes a whack at them, they are not breakable.

So as we come down the home stretch may I give the following advice (like you can stop me).  Give lots of treats.  Woof with excitment.  Take naps if you are tired.  Wag your tail (even you two footed beings out there).  Break out in song when the mood moves you.  Enjoy the preparations.  Anticipate.  Take time to listen.  Take time to love. Reach out to the needy, give thanks and celebrate.


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