Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Warm Hearts

Mick is my pet therapy dog.  I have always said if he could drive to the hospital himself I'd be dispensible.  The dogs hold all the magic, I just hold the leash.  The staff adores the therapy dogs, and that warms my heart.

I can't count the times I've been told how fabulous he is, what a perfect gentleman, how quiet, well mannered, obedient.  The Mom in me has to laugh.  The pointer owner in me knows better.  Oh yes, I laugh hardest when I go to bed at night with a blanket that resembles swiss cheese because said perfect gentleman has gnawed a perfect hole in it.  Mind you, he's a crafty blanket biter for sure.  I have yet to catch him in the process.  But, I love him just the same, and am glad in public he represents the breed and our therapy organization well. 

So today with the temps in the single digits and lots of salt on the ground from freezing mist the other day, I opted to use the valet parking.  Usually we park in the garage and leave the valet parking for those with greater need.  But, the potential for lots of salt on the ground gave me flashbacks to the time it hurt Mick's paws so much he quit walking and I had to carry him back to the car.  I wasn't game to do that again.

So we waited just inside the building while the valet went to fetch the car.  It was drafty and cold with the doors opening and closing in the busy building.  Pointers don't have much of a coat for cold weather, and a surprising ability to nearly shiver their ticking off.  So there is Mick, in full pathetic shivering mode.  Before you could say "baby it's cold outside" one of the patient escorts was hustling off to get him a warm blanket.  No one asked if I was cold, but truthfully I did have a decent coat on. 

So there was Mickey, swaddled in a warm blanket that was large enough to wrap a horse in.  He will no doubt expect that treatment each visit now.  But, it warms my heart to know the staff cared enough to warm my dog up.  Thank God he didn't leave a hole in their blanket like he does mine.  His reputation remains unsullied and he was well loved.


Anonymous said...

Jan Black has forwarded some of your writing to me, and I am now a fan of yours...love your writing. It always brings a smile to my heart, especially when you write about your beautiful fur babies. You are a gifted writer, Nancy...hope someday you publish a book about your "kids" and you. Hugs, Barbara Phelps

N. Bachmann said...

Thanks Barbara for your kind words. I'm glad you are enjoying reading them as much as I enjoy writing them.

Big hug right back at you!