Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I'ts A Good Day to.......

Temp. 5 degrees, 10" of fresh snow, wind chill -17.  It's a good day to stay inside and write those holiday cards.  It's a good day to give thanks for the roof over our head, and that the utility bill is paid.  It's a good day to cook, quilt, read, nap, write, bake, nap again, listen to the quiet.

It's not a good day to be a dog with a thin coat.  Mr. Hanky stood just outside the door and whined as he peed on the bushes.  I don't blame him, I'd do the same if I had to go outside.  Luckily my boys know the comforts of warm blankets, good food and gentle hands.  Many dogs do not, heck some people do not.

Warmth and safety mean many things to many people.  On the freezing cold days of life may you have a warm heart, a warm dog, or two or three, warm thoughts, warm hands (or keep the cold ones to yourself), warm feelings, a warm place to sleep, a hot meal, and don't forget your hat.  Most of our body heat is lost out of the top of our heads, most of a dog's body heat is lost through their ears and pads of their feet.  Most of our love is lost when our heart is closed.

So, today and always bundle up to stay warm, give a pet a second chance, open up to stay loved.  And being thankful never hurts either.

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