Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Life Goes On

Life goes on in my doggy dog world.  We may be down to two dogs here, but Hank and Mick create enough excitment to make up for it. 

Hank has one speed only, that would be full speed ahead.  Unless he knows it's cold outside.  I'm not sure how he'll do in the snow.  We may have to resort to a catch and release program.  First you catch Hank, then you physically escort him out the door. 

Mickey showed his hunting prowess tonight by trying to run in the back door with a semi-alive bunny in his mouth.  Thankfully he knows the "DROP IT" command.  He was pretty proud.  Ten minutes later he went out again, and found the same bunny that Reno had moved to safety, or so we thought.  This time Mickey tried to bring Mr. BunBun in the front door.  He looked pretty cute, and Hank just looked on in amazement.  I tried to get some photo's, but one pointer with a bunny is tow wiggles too much for the camera.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

So again, the "DROP IT" command, and Mick does release.  Gotta  love that dog!!  He lays it down on the porch and steps carefully over it to come in the house.  This time the bunny received full rights of passage and disposal.  Not by me, thankfully!!

So life goes on.  Sometimes its catch and release, sometimes we catch and catch again.  Sometimes releasing brings sweet relief.  For a hunting dog it was a red letter day.  For me, it was amusing and distressing, but not as much as for Mr. Bunbun - RIP you wascally wabbit.

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