Tuesday, April 21, 2009

All Forms of Torture

With Hank's leg swelling we (read I) decided soaking it in warm Epsom salt water would be beneficial. Hank wasn't so sure it was a good idea. First he tried to make off with the towel for under the bucket. Then the idea of submerging one leg was definitely too restrictive. What started out as a one person task soon turned into a two person task, and yes, we were both out numbered. We got maybe a 5 minute soak in (without dumping the container) and that was enough for all of us. We'll do it again today.

Took him to the vet this morning to have him micro chipped and gave the vet a peak at the leg. It was actually more swollen this morning after soaking than before. A round of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory med's is underway, and if it doesn't improve the vet said next option would be to tap the fluid and have it analyzed.

Next came his debut visit at the store for multiple rounds of loving. His tail didn't stop for a second! Lot's of ohhh, and ahhhh's and oh poor fella's. Not to mention several what a handsome boy comments and what a lovely temperament! It's that pointer personality shining through.

Following that he had time on the zip-line to commune with nature. But I could hear commotion all the way inside the house. I found Hank trying to get close enough to two squirrels in a tree that were talking a big line of smack to him. Trouble was he was on the zip line and about 6 ft from the offensive tree and its hecklers. Height wise he was in the zone! The rest was a yardage issue, but his intent was clear. No squirrels were going to flip him off in his own yard!

It's been quite a day for Hank, and it's just past Noon. All kinds of experiences (Hank says torture) for a young boy. I think a nap is in order, for me, and maybe one for Hank too.


Judithsviews said...

I hope his leg starts to get better soon. At least his attitude is great and he is, indeed, very cute.

N. Bachmann said...

Cute can save your hide sometimes can't it? Bless his adorable little face!