Thursday, April 30, 2009


I was going to start this blog saying, where would we be without our girlfriends? And that is oh so true. But in all honesty let's suffice it to say - where would we be without our friends? It doesn't matter if they are guy friends, girl friends, work friends, church friends, animal friends, neighbor friends, old friends, new friends.

Sometimes getting together with them is a scheduling nightmare. Sometimes, like last evening, it just all fell into place. We have a friend who's Mother is in hospice care. We needed to connect with her before she goes home this weekend to visit with her Mom. I made, on behalf of all of us, a necklace for this friend using both her Mother's birth stone colors and her own, so she has a tangible reminder of how connected she and her Mom will always be. The bonus of this is it also reminds her of how much her friends love her as well.

Sometimes we need those tangible reminders that we are indeed loved. We need a physical symbol that we can draw strength from. We need to be with our friends, our dear chosen family, to draw strength, energy and encouragement from. They hold our heads above water, and in turn, we do the same.

They are a gift indeed. Thank you dear friends......

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