Saturday, April 11, 2009

Starting Over

There are many times in life we start over. Every Fall when school begins we start over. Sometimes a marriage fails, or we lose a loved one, and we are challenged to start over. Everyday, every hour, every minute we have a choice. We can be a victim or a survivor of life and all it offers. Some start the day with hope and joy in their hearts, some couldn't find hope or joy if it hit them in the head. For me, I'm glad I get to start over. Starting over has been very, very good to me.

Come Tuesday we'll be starting with a new foster dog. I'm excited and a little apprehensive. Our new boy's name is Hank. Reno already refers to him as Hammerin Hank. I think the name Hammerin Hank conjures up a big personality with lots of potential. Hank doesn't know what's ahead of him, any more than we do. But, I know he will bring his own doggy-dog silly pointer self right into our hearts.

So in this season of Easter, of loss and rebirth, of healing and growth, bringing in a foster is a wonderful way to start over.

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