Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Random Thots

Yesterday my neighbors German Shepard escaped the back yard again. I think she'd rather be a front yard dog. When I went over to see if the gate was by chance open, you could tell by the look on her face she knew she'd been busted. Obviously she was unwilling to slip back under the fence, that only works when you want out. I tried to track down my neighbor, but couldn't, so I loaded Penny up (she must think I'm the dog catcher) and delivered her to their vet. I would hope, if one of my dogs was out, that a neighbor would do the same. Today Penny's Mom delivered a pan of lasagna for my trouble. Really, it wasn't any trouble, but I like where this is going. Maybe Penny and I could form an alliance and more yummy meals will be delivered my way.

I'm ashamed to admit this, but Mickey, my therapy dog can be a pain in the patoot. First of all, he has a penchant for blankets. He sets the house record for chewing holes in them. Today, that little livered rascal started eating the fringe off a pashmina of mine. Okay, my fault for leaving it out. It's not like I don't know that there is a devil that sometimes possesses Mick.

The most embarrassing thing is when we leave pet therapy he will not jump into the truck for me. He leaps right in going there, but when we're done he'll stand there like he's never gotten into a vehicle in his life. He used to, he has for years. But the day this winter when there was ice melt all over and his paws hurt I carried him to the car because he wouldn't walk. Since then the won't get in on his own. Grrrrr........what an embarrassment!!!

And lastly, Momma Robin built a nest on top of one of our light fixtures by the back door. Easy access, sheltered from wind, rain, pointers. She likes it there, but I about have a heart attack when I walk out the door forgetting she's there. My only worry is when the babies hatch and are ready to fly. Sure hope they leave the nest on a day when the dogs aren't around. Last year we accidentally cooked the eggs in a nest on top of the light fixture by leaving the light on all night. This year we promise to be more careful.

That's the way life goes. Dogs escape, birds nest, dinner is delivered. We watch out for one another. And yes, love each other even when holes get chewed in the blankets of life.

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