Monday, April 13, 2009

The Ultimate

They say the key to finding joy in your life is to be happy with what you have. There is so much truth to that. But this would be a short blog if I stopped there.

A couple times a year, when I have large family gatherings I can't help but think how wonderful it would be to have a double oven. Case in point, last November when we had Reno's party. Remember the fiasco of the turkey that was precooked? Who knew they even sold them like that? So I was scrambling to cook turkey parts for gravy, stuffing, and warm up a precooked bird, all with one oven. Thank God for a Weber grill!

Yesterday morning when I got the ham out to slice for warming, I again had a "holy crap" kitchen moment. I'm sure any phrase that starts with "holy" gets you bonus points on Easter. The ham, which I thought was precooked, wasn't. Dangit, when did meat get so tricky? So I had to cook the ham, and the french toast one oven. Hmmmm.....praising Mr. Weber wherever he is. He has saved my butt several times now!

So you can see how nice a double oven would be. It would be the ultimate - on big cooking days like yesterday. It would keep cursing to a minimum, the meal on schedule, and keep me from looking so incredibly blonde in the kitchen.

But truly, the ultimate is being able to live like we do. To feast like we do, share our lives like we do. To have pets who show us how to love unconditionally, to have family and friends. All the little irritations are just small potato's in the big picture of life.

On second thought, think how dull life would be if everything went just perfect? I think I'll take the challenges of an imperfect life. Now that is the ultimate blessing.

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