Monday, April 6, 2009

Enough/Not Enough

There is a fine line between doing enough and not enough - in rescue, in parenting, in relationships, in life. Balance is the key, but, of course, balance is one of life's teeter-totters.

When we have done enough we feel good - well, duh. Ya think??? When we feel like we haven't done enough, we forget all the good we have done. We forget that on any given day we only need do the best we can.

Nope, we won't ever be perfect. There will be days that our best is not the same as our best on other days. Some days we have oodles to give, other days we'd prefer not to even crawl out of bed. Some days running away from home is a great temptation. There are days we'd rather stay home. Better to pack up everyone else and send them far away. Outer Mongolia comes to mind as a great destination. There are days of pink underwear, crushed mail boxes, spilled milk, misunderstandings. There are days of bounced checks, blonde moments, missed appointments and things that sounded so good at the time.

I have the tendency to overlook the 11 things I did well, and focus on the one thing I screwed up. Personally, life is challenging enough without me beating myself up. Funny how our pets never suffer from the malaise of not getting it right. They, of course, live fully in the moment - no lingering regrets for them.

So perhaps it's time to cut our self some slack, to offer some self-forgiveness. To know we did okay. It's time to laugh, and to learn.

Enough is enough - and we are doing today exactly enough. Probably more than we realize.

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