Sunday, April 19, 2009

Old Bones, Dog Bones, No Bones About It

Bones have been on my mind. Old bones, because my Mom broke some yesterday. She took a fall that broke some fingers in her hand, but also will break her heart. She can't live alone anymore. At 88, she probably shouldn't have been on her own this long. Fierce Independence will take you a long way. But now safety becomes the issue and she will not take these changes gracefully.

Dog bones also come to mind. I think in the Rules of Doggy Bliss, there is one that says - if you have a bone, you must prance with it. Flip it, chase it, gnaw on it, but prancing is a true sign of ecstasy. Hank has discovered this house has good bones. He doesn't seem to know what the other toys are, but bones? He knows and has the prance down pat.

Another Rule of Doggy Bliss? Throw yourself down with complete abandon and roll. Not a gentle easing to the surface of the carpet. Not a subtle slide to the floor. Hank throws himself down to roll. And then proceeds to cover every inch of the room. Who put that chair in the way? Whoa, where did that table come from?

And two other dog issues come to mind today. Why is pooping on the walking path, or under the zip line preferable to anywhere else in the yard??? And why can't they make an indestructible rope toy? I really think Mick should test all rope toy products for durability. He adores rope toys, but he is a voracious chewer when he has one. So, to all the manufacturers out there, Mick is available for product analysis and durability testing. Send those samples to Mickey, care of me.

And, good news is Maddie is walking on her repaired ACL leg more and more. She's probably half tri-pod, half on all fours again. Making lots of progress in that area.

So there you have it, changes are coming, changes have happened, every day brings some challenges, no bones about it.

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