Thursday, April 2, 2009

Old Dogs, Healing Dogs, Mickey Dogs

Right now the pet population at our house numbers three. One old dog, one ortho dog, one Mickey Boy. Mickey is old enough to know better, but young enough to get into mischief.

One night a week I work late, well until 9pm. Often, when I pull in the driveway Reno announces to the dogs "Mommy's Home"! All three of the dogs bolt awake and race to the door to meet me. What can I say, I love a welcoming committee.

Wouldn't it be nice if life offered us a welcoming committee more often. Kind of like the welcome wagon, but better. My ideal welcome wagon would include all the dogs (past and present), my kids, Reno, a marching band, my girlfriends, unlimited potato chips and cheese, some wine, steaks on the grill, more wine, a few puppies (visiting only) and my previous foster dogs. Add my son's college roommates, my cyber friends I've yet to meet, favorite cousins and out-of-town family and friends and we'd have quite a celebration.

Oh ya, it would be great. We'd sit on the patio by the light of the tiki torches and celebrate life. Funny how often we forget to do just that.

Until that grand celebration comes to pass, I have an old dog, an ortho dog, a Mickey Boy and Reno greeting me at the door. What a blessed way to end the day.

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