Friday, May 22, 2009


Hank is still exploring the wonder of the yard, and the invisible fence, for that matter. Naturally, the collar battery went dead one evening, so he did visit the neighbors. Thankfully he only got as far as the house who's German Shepard, named Penny, has gotten out several times. Talk about canine karma, I snag her loose dog, she snags mine. Thank you Lord!

With the new battery in the collar, he honors the fence quite well. I'm hoping I saw his last zap the other day. On one side of the yard the invisible fence runs parallel to a chain link fence. I was watching him, but I'm not sure what he was chasing. He ran, full speed toward the boundary, couldn't stop in time and went head first into the chain link fence. To say he never saw it coming would be a gross (yet hilarious) misstatement. He recovered well, responded to the zap and headed back to the safe zone in the yard. Okay, so maybe it was the rebound off the fence that sent him back into the yard. I'm noticing he stays well away from that part of the yard. Sometimes we get multiple corrections, in training, in life, kinda like two for the price of one.

Of late, he's more interested in the baby robins in the nest by the back door than the fence boundaries. This, for the moment is a good thing, though he hasn't discovered that he can't jump as high as Momma Robin can fly. He's trying, but he can't!!! It does make it easy (read funny) to watch him from the kitchen though! I can't blame him, I love watching Mrs. Robinson and the babies too. However, I have no desire to eat them!

I only hope, the day the precious baby birds take that first down hill "flight" that I'm at work and the dogs are snoozing away inside.

Ahh, the wonder of spring, the process of learning new things, the corrections that come with that, the joy Hank has in having his own yard to run in. He's a happy boy - and who of us doesn't find their bliss without a few corrections along the way.

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