Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Role Reversal

I can tell that Hammerin Hank is settling in.

Until now, he has always kept us within sight while loose in the house. And we did the same for him. He is still in the 'needy boy' stage. The "willyouloveme, willyoupetme, touchmetouchmetouchme" stage.

This morning while I showered he laid on the bed with Mickey. Reno kept an eye on him, but there wasn't much to watch. Two dogs sleeping on the bed on a rainy morning. I got dressed, did my make up and even went down and had breakfast. The whole time Hank was content on the bed. I peeked in on him a couple times, much like a Mother watching a napping toddler. From my side it was the "isheok? ishebreathing? isheeatingthemattress?

Funny how in life we have role reversals. I believe they are a good thing. They can also be poignant moments, tearful moments, joyous moments. In Hanks case, it is progress.

In fact, it reminds me of my lab Abby. Her whole approach to life was - I'll be on the bed, call me if you need me. Perhaps, from across the bridge, she is teaching Hank this very lesson.

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