Monday, May 25, 2009

Leaving The Nest

It's that time of year. Kids graduating and moving on. Like the baby robins in the back yard taking that huge leap of faith and going for it. I wonder if Momma Robin warns them that first step is a doozie? And then, if you survive the first step, what about all the other challenges that follow.

One of my baby's graduated from college this weekend. Four and half years ago he left the nest he called home. Now he's leaving the nest he called college. He has learned a lot these last few years. He leaves there with friendships that will sustain him the rest of his life, and a college debt that will last almost that long.

The dogs have been fretting over the nests in the yard all week. The smell, the feeding commotion, the sight of them crowded in their nests has them at high alert. The three from the nest on the light fixture flew the coop on Saturday while we were gone most the day. One didn't make it, but the other two haven't been seen since. At least I know the dogs weren't out when they tried those new wings.

I never cease to be amazed at those leaps of faith we take. The times life requires us to leave the nest. And the times life enhances our appreciation for the nest, whatever shape it comes in. Truth be told we all leave the nest, but we no doubt take a part of it with us where ever we go.

Hank and Mickey will miss the nest on the light fixture. Lord knows Hank tried incredibly hard to leap high enough to sniff those baby robins. He came darned close. I wonder what those birds thought when they'd see that pointer nose coming at them??? They will miss the nest, and I will the babies . My son will miss his nest at school as he and his classmates scatter far and wide.

Life is a series of nests, and a leaving one to build another is a part of the process.

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