Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A True Lady

I take a lot of ribbing from Reno about the pointers. Let me back up, I just plain take a lot of ribbing from Reno about everything. He never hesitates to point out that the pointers may only have two actual brain cells and only one works at a time. I think he's jealous of them.

I hear often on how superior the English Springer's are and what a little princess Miss Maddie is. I can't disagree too much. She is the only other female in the house and we need to stick together. However, would I go so far as to state she's smarter, faster, cuter than my pointer boys?? I think not.

With the exception of Kobe getting stuck between the air mattress and the wall recently, the pointers always look intelligent. And truly, if I'd found Prince Kobe stuck like that, my first instinct would have been to help him out, not run for the camera. So we know who discovered him in need don't we?

Last night, Miss Maddie was holding court from her recliner in the living room. Of course, she was holding court while laying upside down on her recliner. Such a little lady she is. I tried to get a photo, but of course operator error and a tricky point/shoot camera precluded that from happening. My camera is really more of a point and curse camera.

Maybe Maddie is just so smart she can hold court upside down. Maybe she's just as smart as the pointers. A true lady probably doesn't point fingers, and neither will I.

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