Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hang Tags

If Mickey had a hang tag it would say 'dry clean only'. Until today, I did not know this about him.

We went to our local hospital for our weekly pet therapy visit. It was sprinkling when we went in so I grabbed my umbrella. I will admit it is a poor excuse for an umbrella. It opens up wide and round on one side, and it has that broken bird wing look on the other. It's not a great umbrella. But, it's better than no umbrella at all. And the fact I can find it bodes well too. One can't be too choosy.

On leaving it was pouring. I'm thinking wow - so glad I brought this umbrella. Mick was no doubt thinking damn, that umbrella isn't large enough for the both of us. I discovered he does not like getting wet. A fourth of the way to the car I notice he's walking funny. Back all hunched up like he was in mortal pain. I'm thinking holy moley - something is wrong with Mick!!! Half way to the car we pass the bushes he waters every time we visit. I'm thinking if he relieves himself maybe the pain (whatever it might be) would be better. He didn't need to pee. He tried to take shelter under the bushes. At that point it sunk in like so much rain on a canine fur coat that he flippin detests the rain.

He is not a water dog. He hates the rain. Maybe he doesn't like that wet dog smell either. He was not a happy camper having to leave the shelter of the bushes. Not that they were much shelter, and at that point he was soaked already.

We must have made quite a sight. Pouring rain, broken bird wing umbrella, soaking wet dog being propelled through the down pour. His body language screamed "stop the madness". Mine said "move it pointer boy". Obviously, he is a fair weather dog.

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