Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mom Thots

There are a ton of things I love about being a Mom. Colic, teething, vomiting, PMS (mine and hers), the terrible twos-through 21 are not one of them. But you know I wouldn't change it for the world. If I could go back I would make the same choices that created the same children. Okay, so maybe one child could have done better in school, and one wouldn't have been so argumentative and one didn't have to test all the house rules to the nth degree. But, life gave me great kids and gave us wonderful life lessons. Bottom line is - I Love Being Their Mom.

I love being the dog's "Mom" and foster "Mom". Yes, I realize I didn't conceive them or give birth to them. But they are dependent on me, so I am sort of a Mother to them.

Best thing is I can crate them when I need to. Something I couldn't do with my other off spring. And they (the dogs) like me all the time. In fact, adore me!! They don't say "Mom, can I have $'s and more $'s. Although the vet does get a fair share of my expendable income.

I am not, nor probably never will be close with my Mom. But it gives me goals for how I want things to be with my kids. I've planted many seeds with my kids. Literally and figuratively. And in the years to come I hope to see them bloom.

So I need to give thanks for having a Mom, being a Mom, for those friends I tend to Mother, for having awesome kids, for being the dogs Mom.

It's all pretty cool - I'm well blessed.

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