Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Spiritual Matter

It was one of those deeply spiritual days. Some will say they happen mostly on Sunday, but I beg to differ. For me, they are usually on Tuesday. You see, today I had an audience with the poop. No, not the Pope, but just as moving. They are really circle of life moments in some ways. What goes in must come out, what goes around comes around.

It started in the bathroom. I went in to use it before going outside. That is when the whole "audience" part became clear. There is nothing like getting situated for the moment and discovering that both Hank and Kobe are right beside you for the event. They look so eager as if to say "Mom we're here for you". And....no doubt, "can we have a drink when you are done". Dog really can keep you from taking yourself to seriously.

Next we went outside to clean the yard. I experienced a very long audience with the poop out there. It seems only fair. They witnessed mine, I clean up after theirs. It was a contemplative experience.

All the Fall leaves scattered on the ground took me back to being a little girl. I remember gluing the leaves to paper, scribbling around the leaves with magic marker and trying to sell my artwork door-to-door to the neighbors. In retrospect, I'm surprised Mom let me do that. In hindsight, it was probably one of those 'anything for a moment of peace' times Mother's sometimes have. Just like the "anything to make this kid go away" moment a neighbor had when he gave me money for the artwork.

They say you are changed by an audience with the Pope, and I would like to witness the same for an audience with the poop. The poop took me down memory lane today. I was in good company on the journey. Memories of Mom, the company of dogs. And, plenty of spiritual matter along the way.

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