Monday, October 19, 2009

Life Swapping

Most of the reality shows first of all make me want to hurl, and then secondly, make me happy for the life I have. My reality is pretty darned normal, even for a home with four dogs. I think once you put a camera in front of someone there is no such thing as reality. One person's reality is another persons nightmare. Perhaps my reality would bore the bejeebers out of someone else. And, much of their reality bears no semblance to normalcy. Why is that entertaining? Don't we have enough trouble with conflict in our own lives? Must we endure some one elses conflict under the guise of amusement? I don't think so.

When I got married there was not a slew of bachelors trying to win my hand. No limo's, no on screen wooing, no make-up enhanced fantasy. You know what I mean. Few of us ever get to dance with the stars, unless we choose to see our mate in that light. Sure, we all want to be a millionaire. So isn't the name of that show rhetorical? There are times we all call our self "the biggest loser", and we don't need national television to do it.

The closest I'll ever get to life changing, drama filled, entertaining, heroic moments is by working in animal rescue. If they had a reality TV show about rescue volunteers they could call it Life Swapping. Take one down on it's luck animal, pull it from a nasty shelter, lovingly rehabilitate it, and find it a forever home. If that's not life swapping then what is? It's a reality many never see, and most would not find it entertaining.

Okay, okay, so it won't draw sponsor's and draw thousands of viewers. It's a different kind of reality that does not include a panel of judges to vote you off the show or on to destiny. It's a slow and steady wins the race, making a difference one animal at a time process.

I rather like this kind of reality.

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