We are changing seasons. In our lives, by our age, by the weather, by clothing, by knowledge, by experience. The outside temperature tells us change is upon us. Honestly, I'm not ready to let go of the vegetable garden. I need about another month 0f 80 degree weather for all the tomato's on the vine.
There are seasons of hope and anticipation. Seasons of preparation. Seasons bitter and harsh. Seasons of wonder. Seasons of healing. Seasons we just wonder where they disappeared to. And of course, lest I forget, there is football season.
Then, of course, there are the seasonings of life. On our food, in our relationships, in our faith life. Some seasonings are savory, some spicy, some mellow and some always leave us wanting more.
I look at Kobe and know his seasons may be few. In the busy-ness of my life, I envy the laziness of his life. I look at Hank and wonder about his cancer. He's been part of our family since April. What an incredible season of joy he has brought us. Who ever gave him up is missing out on so much. They may not have wanted to endure his season of cancer. Isn't that too bad for them? Maddie has had a season of healing since her ACL surgery last March. As the only other female in the house she and I have a special bond. Lastly, there is Mickey. His favorite season is hunting season and he doesn't even get out in the field. Tweety birds, bunny, squirrels, bee's, bugs and an occasional snake are his prey. One doesn't necessarily need a field to hunt. Bliss can be found in our own backyard.
Such is the case with Reno and I. We've crossed some bumpy roads of late, but buoyed with laughter and love we keep finding the bliss in our own backyard. And, yes, sometimes you have to step over a big pile of poo to find the bliss. Such is life.
Whatever season you are in, right now......find the grace, step over the poo, experience some joy, live the moment.
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