I am excited to be adding some Chinese Herbal supplements to Hank's diet for his mast cell tumors. They may, or may not help, but at least I have the satisfaction of trying. Much like putting Vick's Vaporub on a sick child. It may or may not help, but we feel like we are doing something. Doing something for a person or pet with health issues is important. Hank and I both say thank you to the donor of these supplements.
Speaking of issues, I've decided Reno has a form of TV/movie tourettes syndrome. He breaks out into song, or quotes from scripts on a regular basis. Ironically, I rarely watch TV, so I am always racking my brain to figure out which program the quote is from. He is awesome at remembering the lines, and I suck at identifying them. I think I frustrate him sometimes with my lack of TV/movie knowledge. I like to think I have other talents. Math skills, map reading and movie trivia are just not some of them.
I'm disappointed our entry into the Rachael Ray Mutt Madness contest did not make the cut. I don't know how many rescues entered, but I suspect the competition was tough. I can think of a thousand things I should have said, but c'est la vie. Or would it be c'est la woof. All I can say is dangit, Pointer Rescue deserves a break....and I'm sure it's coming soon.
As I write, Hank is curled up behind my chair. Kobe is snoring on his rug, with his paws twitching in dream, and Maddie is guarding the hallway. Somehow dog snoring is much more adorable than people snoring. Reno will probably testify to this. Mickey must be in on the bed, or down on the sofa. He tends to be less of a Momma's boy than the others.
And last but not least, Pointer Rescue needs foster homes. Won't you please consider it? You too can be a crazy dog person. I highly recommend it. It will be the best second chance you could ever give a dog. And really, who among us, isn't eternally grateful for second chances.
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