Friday, October 23, 2009

No Pain, No Gain

I know what that means in the human world. I didn't think dogs experienced the same thing. Mr. Hanky would tell you otherwise.

Most of the night he sleeps on the sofa. At some point, usually about our morning alarm time, he sometimes needs some human company. He used to vault up landing like a ton of bricks. Now, he sometimes arrives by stealth mode and slides in without fanfare.

The other night I sensed his presence beside the bed. He paused, because Miss Maddy snuggles beside me at night. Maddie never hesitates to grumble if jostled by one of the dogs. Mostly she's all bark. He paused and then he levitated onto the bed. I've yet to figure out how one movement from floor to bed can be so fluid. Except that this time he landed squarely on Miss Maddie. Now, I snap too if so rudely awakened. She bristled, grumbled and snapped because one clearly does not leap upon sleeping princesses. Hank got nipped, but that did not dissuade him. He whimpered a little as he wedged himself next to me. I felt bad for him. But, nipping or not, he wanted to sleep by my side. You have to admire him for his diligence.

He may have weighed his options in his silly pointer head. Snuggle with Momma, face the growling bitch. Snuggle with Momma, face the ranting bitch. No pain, no gain. So he went for it.

Some things are worth getting nipped for. His sigh as he settled in told me just that. Luckily I have enough love for both of them. Reno was glad Maddie stood her ground. I was appalled she nipped the sick boy. Thing is she doesn't know he's sick, and neither does he. That is all that matters. That, and getting adequate cuddle time.

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