Saturday, October 31, 2009

365 Thankful Days

365 days ago we had company in town for Reno's birthday. What a complete surprise for Reno and a total blessing to have all his favorite family and friends here with us. So today's challenge question is what were you doing 365 days ago? Perhaps it's not a vivid memory like our party weekend.

Dog-wise Sidney was our foster. Maddie was still running like crazy because she hadn't torn her ACL yet. Mick was just his regular dufus boy self, and Kobe was still old. Kobe used to be such a quiet old guy. Now that Reno's lives here I've learned a lot about Kobe. Reno insists that he channels for Kobe. The two of them have complete dialogs worthy of Saturday Night Live. I keep telling him he needs to take this show on the road. Kobe, according to Reno, is a cranky old cuss who is very opinionated. If he had a favorite phrase it would be "Oh, pooooop!" often followed by words I'm not allowed to repeat.

Funny how fast 365 days can go. Equally amazing how slow they can sometimes go too. Either way we've been blessed. With great dogs, memories, love and family. So perhaps this is an early thanksgiving blog. Or, perhaps a very late thank you note for last year. Either way its all good.


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