Monday, October 26, 2009

Where We Are In Life

I wonder if we took a poll, how many of us would say we are right where we want to be in life?

We were discussing that just this evening. Neither of us is where we thought we'd be at our age. I guess we thought life would be easier. Or at least, more settled. Or, possibly, more successful for us.

Perhaps we thought all the stars would align and the things that worry us would vanish. Finances would not be an issue. Health would be secure. Relationships would be hunky dory. The kids would be safe and self-sufficient. The economy would work with us instead of against us. Maybe we just thought we'd be smarter. Less prone to stupid errors and mistakes.

Hmmmmm. In a perfect world that would be the case. In that world Hank wouldn't have mast cell tumors, Maddie wouldn't hork on the floor fairly often. I'd be 5' 9", svelte and make an enormous salary in retail world. Thus enabling me to work part time and enjoy the rest of the day hiking, getting pedicures and massages. Oh, and don't forget the bon-bon's. In a perfect world money wouldn't be an issue, taxes wouldn't hobble us, and gas prices wouldn't jump 17 cents in a week.

Oh, wait. We don't live in a perfect world. If we are smart, we seize the moment and celebrate the day. It's not where we thought we'd be, but where we are that matters. Life is messy, and challenges are many. If we wait for perfect, we miss out on monumental moments of grace.

We are where we are. If there is someone to love us, an animal to bring us laughter and comfort, food on the table, a roof over our head, and a prayer in our heart. Could it ever get much better than this?

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