Thursday, October 8, 2009

Snug As A Bug

The pups are in for a rude awakening this weekend. It's going to be cold. I'm thinking we skipped Fall and are going right into Winter. I should be slapped for even suggesting that.

Pointers don't exactly have the coat of a Polar Bear. While they are soft and sleek, and shed (alot) they aren't built for winter weather. I can tell they are noticing the cooler weather approaching.

Kobe has his corner in the bedroom, with his stack of blankets. He gave me the look the other night that said: "hey, Mom, when you gonna turn my heater on?" I told him it's too early in the season for the furnace, but I may have to reconsider. We've gotten the winter blanket out, but not the flannel sheets.

I've gotten a scarf out, put some gloves on in the car, but haven't worn a coat yet. One must enter the next season in a series of measured steps. To make the drastic move from no coat, to coat, hat and gloves would be pathetic. What kind of Midwesterner would I be if I did that?

Sure, right now the 30's feel cold. But in January they will feel warm. Plus I know with the cold will come the pointers. One by one, they will slink onto the bed at night to give warmth, to get warmth, to be snug as a bug in a rug.

They go by leaps and bounds from cold into warmth. I go by little baby steps from warmth into cold. All done in the name of staying snug and warm.

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