Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wiggle Butt

Think back to when you were young. Or think back to when your children were young. For one reason or another, in a desperate need for a few more minutes of shut eye, you said "yes _____(insert name of choice) you can crawl in bed with us. But no matter how large the bed, that one extra body would take up all the space. There was suddenly a barrage of pointy elbows and feet pushing and prodding. I'm fairly certain no one really got any extra shut eye in the process.

It was like that this morning. Reno, up early to work on the computer, let Mr. Hanky in to lay with me. Sometimes, he crawls in, circles round, and cuddles right up against me and I hardly know he is there. This morning it was flashbacks to childhood. Every time I even twitched it was push, prod, wiggle, nudge, nuzzle. I'm feeling really weary as I write this, but he is laying quite peacefully.

Really, how can an animal so beautiful be such a a wiggle butt? Just like we miss our kids when they grow up, I'll miss Hank when he is not around to launch his happy Hank persona against my side. What he lacks in smooth execution he more than makes up for in enthusiasm.

Sure I could ban him from the bedroom. But sometimes the experiences that are most provoking, challenging, amusing are also the most memorable. It's part of loving, it's part of fostering, it's part of life.

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