Friday, October 16, 2009


I used to think the squirrels were really cute. Then I thought they were really pesky creatures, digging holes and burying nuts. Now I believe they are my new best friend and I owe them a big bag of walnuts.

There was a brown squirrel in the tree yesterday. I think it was a she squirrel. I think that because it was really quick, with just a hint of "na-na-na-boo-boo" attitude. Anyhow, said squirrel played (aka tortured) Mickey and Hank for three hours. They had quite a game going.

Take one squirrel, two trees approximately 20 ft away from each other and two pointers who love to hunt. If only I had a camcorder to capture the hunt. I did take some photo's but my photography skills are nothing compared to the hunting skills of the dogs and the evasion skills of the squirrel.

I did see the most beautiful, and lengthy, stalk performed with infinite patience by a goofy boy named Mr. Hanky. He stalked for 30 ft, in an ever so slow motion step....point.....step....point....step....point. It was so slow I probably did have time to run to Target and buy a video camera. I'm not sure where the squirrel was in the tree but Hank should get an award for execution of a hunting paw-de-deux.

Each and every time the squirrel out smarted the boys. Each and every time they were certain they were going to catch their prey. Thank God they didn't! So often I am asked if I hunt my pointers. It used to make me feel bad that I didn't. Until I realized they hunt their own back yard quite happily.

Heaven can be found in your own back yard. Even if it is a little squirrely.

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