Saturday, March 7, 2009


Bossy, feisty, pushy, nosey, impatient, all words that sometimes describe women. All of which, can and have described me.

Stubborn, pig headed, delusional, ignorant, retarded, all words that sometimes describe men. But, I'm not naming any names here.

Frustrated, worried, concerned, disgusted, helpless, distressed. All of which happens to person number one when the person not referenced specifically in paragraph two fails to take care of himself.

For the record, no one likes to go to the Doctor. But, sometimes, we (yes, even the men out there) need to in order to get well.

That's it. It needed to be said. Deal with it, so sad too bad, adjust, get on with it, trust me on this one, because I said so, you'll thank me later. Pain is unavoidable, suffering is optional.

Phfewww......I feel better.

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