Monday, March 9, 2009

I Can Cook

They say that the best defense is a good offense. Hmmmm, well, they weren't in the kitchen with me tonight. And yes, I raced to the computer to get my side in print first. Because Reno insists he's got ammunition on me.

Let me just say, I have never used the Quesadilla Maker before. And I asked if there was anything special I needed to know to operate it. I heard about preheating, about the appropriate amount of ingredients, about how I would know when it was done. All very good, and I insisted I didn't need help - I had it completely under control. And I thought I did.

It seems there was a synapse problem with my brain. I followed the instructions, layered the topping accordingly, closed it and let it cook. Imagine my surprise when I opened it and realized I never put the top quesadilla on it. Wow - what a crispy mess! We had a good giggle over it. Cleaned up the mess, then back to the drawing board. Second quesadilla turned out just peachy. Moving right along. This is where the synapse issue came into play. Add the tortilla, layer the toppings, close to cook. I'm a happy camper. Open the machine, and to my horror I'd again forgotten the second tortilla. Imagine the words that came out of my mouth!!

Imagine the razzing I've been taking over this. When you think of it, quesadilla's are a lot like pizza - with a top layer. That is the part I have trouble with. Perhaps I've made pizza for so long that I'll just never get the hang of quesadillas.

In fact we came to an agreement. Reno will be in charge (forever more) of the bbq, and the quesadilla's. All the rest I'll handle - after all, I can cook. Sometimes.

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