Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Illogical Logic

We were discussing logic at dinner tonight. Reno was trying to logically talk me out of something that is very logical to me, but not logical to him. While I can't divulge the exact topic. It was an entertaining discourse.

But then when a man compares what his thinks to what a woman thinks about the same thing - well there is no logic to it.

Frankly, I admit the logic gets lost when I add an emotional side to it. But, heck, that is what women do best. Besides shopping, talking, and relating. Bottom line is, he wasn't getting my take on the subject, and I couldn't think purely logically. I could talk until I'm blue in the face, and he could too. In spite of the logistics, sometimes we just need to have our emotions met. Perhaps that is what makes women feel so deeply. No offense to the deep men out there.

Some things just take on more meaning because of our emotional attachments to them. They may be symbolic, or ritual based, or tradition oriented. It doesn't have to be merely a 1+1 = 2 equation. Sometimes the total is way more than the sum of the two parts.

Logic + logic = logic. Logic + emotion = infinite possibilities. At least, that's what I think.

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