Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Random Thots

Economic stimulus package? Helloo, my economy is over stimulated as it is because of constraints. I think it really needs a laxative.

Ice cream - I could probably live without it. Especially in the winter. However, I can never drive by a Culver's without physically making yummy noises when I read the flavor of the day.

Angels - exist. In great numbers. Trust me on this one.

The voices in our head - we need to listen to them more, laugh at them and with them. We also need to understand their messages may need reprogramming.

Dogs (cats etc)?? We need them, they need us. What are you doing to help them?

Carpet, walls, floors. A place for spot's, spills, muddy paws to go. If you have these because of the pets in your life, think of how many times they've touched your heart. Way more than the floor will ever show.

Pray - consciously. Live the same way too. We sometimes forget this one.

Take your vitamins, drink lots of fluids. The Mom in me made me say this.

Oh, and by the way - I love you. I thought you needed to hear that.

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