Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day Off - or - an Off Day

I have to confess. I ran a stop sign this morning. Yes, there were witnesses, but thankfully none worked for law enforcement. On the plus side I didn't get all the way through the intersection. If you stop part way though I think that counts for something. Like you are only partly a psycho driver. And, especially good was the fact no one else was in the intersection either. Truthfully my brain got in the way, and I was driving on automatic. It seemed like it was time for the light to change, so I automatically went.

Another confession. While cooking today I set a silicone hot mitt on a burner I'd forgotten to turn off. Again, my brain must have been to full to process everything at once. Sigh, two blonde moments (in one day), with the potential for dire consequences. It has me thinking - which is what caused the problems in the first place.

I know I got lucky, I know we all have moments like this. Don't hesitate to raise your hand if you can relate. But dang, I feel almost dangerous. That is not a feeling I like. I am not a fly by the seat of my pants, throw caution to the wind kind of gal. I'm the kind that feels guilty for eating meat on Fridays during Lent. I can't help it - I just do, at least for the first bite or two.

No, these aren't monumental errors - just ones the make me stop (or go, as the case might be) and wonder. I believe I'll stay off the streets and out of the kitchen for the rest of the day. It might be safer that way.

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