Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I've heard folks say, I'll never get another dog, or cat, or pet again. Losing them is just too hard.

I cannot contest that it ever gets easier. But I still think it beats the alternative.

Face it, grief is not a walk through the park. It tests the very heart and soul of us. It leaves us limp, reduces us to a pile of rubble, it shakes us to the core. It causes us to question everything, every little thing. We question our abilities, our faith, our trust. We cry big drowning tears, and raw aching tears. Grief can be a veritable tsunami of emotion. It can be a desert of emptiness. It can also lead us down path's we would never embark upon without a giant push in that direction.

It makes us stronger and softer at the same time. It increases our capacity for love and empathy. It can multiply our faith. You might ask if I am talking about love or grief here, because both have this affect.

Without weeping there is no healing - so tears are a good sign. It is better to have loved and lost - it means we are still alive. Being alive means there is a portal of hope. Within that hope is the opportunity to love again.

And I will.

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