Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Maddie has a new nickname - that's right -TriPod. She is doing much better than last I wrote about her. Poor girl, Saturday was her worst day after surgery. Sunday when she woke up the wiggle was back in her butt and she was like a new dog.

Well, a new dog with ortho issues. She's not putting weight on that foot, although she sets her toes down on that leg rather like a toe dancer would. Maybe she was a dancer in another life and those words "point your toes" are coming back to haunt her.

She has adapted to being a cone head too. Thankfully she doesn't bang around as much as Kobe did in a cone, but still you can tell where she's at by the sound of it. She does keep bringing her ball to you and giving you the look. Oh, the power of the look. But, we aren't giving in.

The stairs have been blocked off to keep her on the main floor. That too is a learning experience for us. We now know if one of the young pointers ever has a stair restriction we will need a 6 foot baby gate. The one we have now Mick and Sidney just go over like gazelles. Kobe, bless his heart, ran right into it the first time it was up. He gave Reno a look that said "poop, I don't remember that first step being that high".

Yesterday my boys were over for dinner and TriPod was all over the place, inside, outside, bringing the ball to the boys and pleading with her eyes. Today, she's probably regretting she was so active. Someone even brought her breakfast bowl to her on the sofa, though we won't mention any names.

Healing is a slow process, but we're heading the right direction. Bless her little Tripod heart.

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