Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I was thinking I have nothing at all to write about, but when in fact I do. Truth be told I'm feeling kind of empty and lost. I know it's because of losing Sidney. I still keep replaying the events and wishing something else could have been done. I keep listening for the thunder of his paws on the steps. All of which is totally normal, all of which will pass with time.

Still, it's a hard place to be in. We all get to those places in life that are just a hard places to be in. We get into them and we do get out of them. In the purgatory of it we just have to keep moving toward normalcy. Of course, normal is such a hard concept to define. Some would insist a multi dog household is not normal at all. Others would submit that life gets more normal the more pets you have. Guess it depends how much "normal" you can find joy in.

So we keep moving, even when it's difficult, until we get back to where it's joyful. It's only a matter of time.

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