Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Not Happy :o(

Once in a while I am really not happy with the dogs. Grrrrrrr.

One of those moments came yesterday when I discovered someone chewed on the quilt I had made for Reno. Process of elimination leads me to know it was either Mickey or Sidney, or both. More than likely it was a team effort. Discoveries like this make me swear like a sailor. Okay, so those of you who know me will laugh at that visual. Still it honks me off.

You can't tell me the dogs don't know better. That's why they do stuff like that in stealth mode. Why, though, why the quilts? Blankets can be replaced. Quilts have to be repaired. It's tough to fix complete holes in a quilt, repair binding, add new batting. So I have to say, for the love of all that's good in life including liver treats, why, why the quilts???

Sigh.....danged dogs. Good thing I love them so much. On the other hand, what I wouldn't love just once to catch them in the act!!! I love quilting, but I hate mending. Something has to go.....oh, that won't work. The quilts and the dogs have to stay. I love them both.


Anonymous said...

Amen on "why do you have to chew a hole in the quilt, the sheets, your blankets, why ... why ... why?" And as far as catching that lovable pet in the act - ha!! - forget that ... I just get the look "it wasn't me mom - I don't know who did that." If you ever find out why a dog does this, please let me know. I read on the internet they do this because they are insecure ... my Jack Russell has to be the most secure dog there could be, he doesn't have a thing to feel insecure about.

I love this column ... and look forward to your posts.

Thanks for the uplift Nancy -

Hugs - Maggi.

N. Bachmann said...

So glad you enjoy reading the blogs as much as I enjoy writing them. And I know you can so relate!

Hugs back at you Maggie!