Tuesday, October 28, 2008


It was a domestic catastrophe. The Cuisinart Coffee Maker refused to work this morning. For someone I know, it was situation worse than the national economy. In spite of cajoling, encouraging, tampering, it would not, could not make any coffee. Tools were brought in from the garage to check for a loose connection of some kind. Until it was realized we didn't own the tools for the job. It was a sad, sad moment.

Someone, whose name shall remain anonymous, crawled back into bed in despair. Ugghhhh......no coffee......

But, in a moment of inspiration, a little voice said, don't we still have a lowly Mr. Coffee pot somewhere? Sure, it was banished to the basement when Mr. Cuisinart moved in, but maybe, just maybe there is way to make coffee. And lo and hold a jubilant cheer arose from the basement (perhaps you heard it). Yes, YES! There is another coffee pot in the house.

All manner of joy returned, life had value again, and coffee was made. Moral of the story, never ever underestimate the love of a person for their java. And always keep a spare coffee maker in the basement.

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