Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Letting Go

We are at the point in training Sidney on the Invisible Fence that I have to let go. So today, it was off the flexi lead for the first time since he arrived. He didn't know the difference, I was terrified.

When you assume responsibility for something, you tend to hold on tight. It becomes a part of you, and the urge to protect it is strong. Holding on tight may or may not be a good thing. With Sidney, I put him on a long lead and then let him go to explore the yard. Of course, I followed close behind. I couldn't let go entirely you know? He explored the back yard and stayed safely in the yard. He was a little freaked by the rope following him. We walked to the front yard and I stopped to visit with a neighbor. She was in my yard, watching her pet bunny in her yard. I was in my yard keeping one eye on Sidney. Sidney ventured down to the bottom of the driveway to meet the neighbor. He did so well! He did get too close to the boundary and got a correction for it. He retreated to a safe area and was praised to high heaven.

Pretty soon he'll have run of the yard. That will be a delight for him, and for me. Until then, we work day-by-day on me letting go, and him learning to say in. We are both learning in the process and it is a beautiful thing. Not all that long ago he was afraid of his own shadow.

Look how far he has come!

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