Thursday, October 16, 2008


Work, work, work, work, work. Now put that to the music of the song "War". Work, Huh, ya'll, Good God, what is it good for......absolutely nothing.

Okay, not true. Work is good for many things. Not the least of which is keeping dog food in the pantry. Treats in the cookie jar, and coffee in the cabinet. Not to mention a couple bottles of wine in the wine rack.

But both of us are facing our busy season's. One of us is totally overwhelmed right now. And the other will be soon. In our haste, and frenzy, we can forget what we enjoy about our jobs. In our haste, and frenzy, we can forget about what is really important in life. We forget that the best we can do, is do our best on any given day. Our best doesn't have to be perfect, in fact, it's just not possible.

Work is not our life, but part of what makes our lives rich. And rich is not just a monetary thing. My guess is there will always be more requests for service on the job than there are hours in the day to do them. Instead of speeding up, I believe we should slow down. Yes, I learned that from the dogs. Slow down and accomplish more.

So, today, slow down. Breathe. Do your work, ask for help when you need it, delegate if you can, take time to smile in the process. And let go. At least a little bit.

Take it from the dogs. Work like a dog, play with abandon, find joy in simple things. spend quality time with your favorite people. Then curl up and rest. Repeat.

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