Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Random Thots - Fall

It's that time of year. I love the Fall, the shorts and sweatshirts, the no heat and no air conditioning. Warm days and cool nights. Heck, I'm still harvesting tomato's and peppers. And they have no clue their days are numbered. They are still blossoming like crazy.

Of course the flip side is the increase in crickets in the basement singing away. Funny, the dogs will hunt them in the garden, but if they are in basement they have no interest.

Yesterday, while watching the dogs in the yard I spied a large bird in the yard behind me. It was just sitting there, and every time I looked out there it was. Mick and Sidney ran the yard from front to back and paid no attention to the bird. There were squirrels in and out of the yard, depending on where the dogs were. And each time I looked, there sat Mr. Bird just watching. Curiosity, of course, got me out in the back yard. Naturally, I wondered if it was hurt. As I walked out to the farthest flower beds, up into the air went the bird. It was a red tail hawk, with a squirrel in it's talons. It was not something I'd ever seen happen in my backyard before. Both cool and intimidating at the same time. And thankfully, my skinny pointers don't resemble either appetizers or an entree for a hungry hawk.

We had our first frost/freeze warning last night. So it won't be long until the windows get closed, and the few plants I try to hold over the winter get brought inside. Luckily we only got down to the low 40's. My vote is to ease into that cold weather crap slowly.

Let's just savor where we are today, and live in this moment.

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