Wednesday, October 8, 2008

See Sidney Run. Run Sidney Run!!

There is something about watching a dog running for the pure joy of it. Zooming around. Tongue hanging out the side of his mouth. Dashing hither and yon.

For Sidney, it has been a long time coming. Sure, he has played in the house with Mickey. And that is great. He used to run down the zip line. Although stopping was rather abrupt. But he has new freedom now that he has learned the invisible fence system. Today he figured out that besides hunting in the yard, he can run for the sheer bliss of it. He ran after Micky and Maddie, he ran for the Kong, he ran after Maddie with the Kong, he retrieved the Kong, he over ran the Kong. He ran and didn't have a clue where the Kong was. It doesn't get much better than when your spirit is free to play. And play he did.

Think of this dog afraid of everything. Now think of him playing with complete abandon.

Run, Sidney, Run!

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